Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the
listening heaven.
‘Tooba’ is a strong bridge that unites children with
nature. In today’s world when nature is being exploited and destroyed by
mankind, this film reveals to society its aim of nurturing Mother Nature
through love and tenderness.
The story of Tooba a smart tenth std student unfolds
when some unexpected incidents happen in her life. The sudden arrival of a
friend into Tooba’s life creates a change and the story expands into realms of
emotional upheavals. Tooba stops coming to school as she is suddenly drawn into
a vortex of psychological problems.
Becoming aware of Toob’s absense her
teacher and friends enquire to find out that all their expectations have been
turned topsy-turvy by Tooba becoming a personification of love. The affair
unfolded by Tooba highlights the innocent relationship between nature and a
human being misinterpreted by adults.